Purchasing a home is perhaps the most important financial investment you will make in your lifetime. Acting as a haven to protect your family and keep you safe, your home deserves comprehensive protection through quality home insurance coverage.
Home insurance coverage is so important that most lenders will not agree to loans if you do not have it.
But even though home insurance is important, not all homeowners fully understand why home insurance is so important. We are here to share some important facts with you about home insurance that just might make you see why home insurance matters!
- Most home insurance policies do not cover floods or earthquakes.
- There are eight basic types of home insurance protection that provide unique coverage.
- In most cases, the cost to rebuild your home will be more than your home’s market value.
- Endorsements, called floaters, can be added to home insurance protection to compensate for inadequate personal property protection.
- Your personal credit score can affect your home insurance premium.
- The poor maintenance of your home can cause insurance claims to be denied by carriers.
At Brownlee Agency Insurance Solutions, we are proud to offer customized insurance solutions, such as home insurance, to Valdosta, Albany, GA, Moultrie, GA, Sylvester, GA, Tifton, and the surrounding areas. Founded in 1974, we have nearly 50 years of service to our community and 230 years of combined expertise providing comprehensive insurance solutions. With a passion for offering the best home insurance protection to our clients, we are constantly improving our process to stay current on the latest technologies and trends in insurance technology.
Whether you are a first-time buyer or you need home insurance for your vacation home, we are here to help you find the coverage that fits your needs and your budget. Contact us today to learn more about home insurance in Valdosta, Albany, GA, Moultrie, GA, Sylvester, GA, Tifton, and the surrounding areas!